1963 Maton Ibis Bass – Custom
Some people (like me) think it’s sacrilege when a vintage Maton is modified. In this case, it’s created my dream bass.
Some people (like me) think it’s sacrilege when a vintage Maton is modified. In this case, it’s created my dream bass.
Raul’s twin guitar attack. As heard in Magic Dirt & River Of Snakes.
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Here’s an update of the graphic design work I’ve done lately for Tim from Tym Guitars.
You a lefty? If so, here’s a chance to a very rare Brisbane made punk machine.
The looooooong evolution of the art design for the awesome new Tym Guitars Fuzz Munchkin. Continue reading…
For your viewing pleasure, here’s some of the design work I’ve done for the best guitar shop in the word, Tym Guitars. Continue reading…
The mighty T-Byrd rises from the ashes like a phoenix… or some sort of… er… fyrbyrd!
The amazing evolution of the Tym ‘Electro Harmonix Freedom Amp’ project… this will blow you away.
This, ladies and gents, is one of the nicest Ricky’s on the planet… Continue reading…
Here’s some more guitarnerd desktop icons I’ve made up, this time starring some of the Tym Guitar’s pedals I did the art for. (including the yet to be released Tym Bass Face!)
Tym Guitar desktop icons – Mac
Tym Guitar desktop icons – PC
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