
Archived entries for Uncategorized

Norm Scott and his Bar 20 Harmony Custom

A piece of Australia’s Country Music history found and saved.

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Guitarnerd – Instagram

Hi all! The guitarnerd blog has been inactive since 2017 as I’ve moved over to Instagram. Check out my IG for the latest in my guitarnerdery…

Forever Malcolm Young


A tribute to the man & guitar who created the soundtrack of Australian rock’n roll.

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Service will resume as soon as possible

Apologies for the lack of sweet guitarnerd goodness lately. With a 4 month old baby and a full workload, it’s like the perfect storm and I barely have time to eat dinner before I collapse in a heap.
I have some really, really cool stories in the works so stay tuned. And thanks for your patience!

Brady’s AstroJet-Tele-Thing

Proof that you don’t have to spend big bucks to get a mojo machine…

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Game Of Guitars

Sorry about the lack of guitarnerdiness this week. You can blame Game Of Thrones for that… every spare minute I have, I’m glued to the books while my guitars are sitting forgotten and neglected. I’m currently on the third in the series and my addiction is getting worse. I’ll try and tear myself away this weekend and post something truly awesome. If not… blame George RR Martin.

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