Maton Fyrbyrd FBFX
This is probably one of the last Maton’s I’ll be buying… the rare FBFX.
This is probably one of the last Maton’s I’ll be buying… the rare FBFX.
A mystery custom made Flying V owned by a dearly missed friend.
I’ve been bitten by the Yamaha bug. Bad. Here is my Super Flighter’s new big brother.
A guitar tough as nails, sorely neglected and due for a severe renovation.
A man who needs no introduction. The mysterious, twisted genius that is Bob Log III.
Yes, I’m still alive! Sorry about the ‘All Quiet On The Western Front’ type of vibe… here’s what I’ve been up to.
The Swami’s newest and coolest six stringed masterpiece.
A mighty guitar filled with blood & thunder.
The guitars of a Brisbane music luminary and all round sweet guy, Heinz from Not From There.
You know Tony Iommi’s ‘Old Boy? Meet Tony Guitarnerd’s ‘Hell Boy’!
Known for rocking a beautiful & rare Epiphone Crestwood Deluxe, Deniz Tek now has a new Signature axe.
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