
Archived entries for About guitarnerd

Peavey Destiny Custom USA


Finally after 20+ years, I’ve got a Peavey Destiny again…

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You’ve lost that loving feeling….


I’m going to be straight up… this year has been pretty shit for me, band-wise.

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EGC FyrHawk Custom


A (very) modern take on an Australian classic.

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‘Made In Australia’ by Wadih Hanna


You may have noticed my guitarnerd blog has been very quiet for the last six months. The reason is I’ve been working on a HUGE exciting project which is nearly finished… a book based on the amazing Maton collection of Wadih Hanna, who has most probably the best collection of vintage Matons in the world. It’s been an absolute honour working on this book and I’m really excited to finally be able to share this with everyone. I know I’m biased but it honestly looks amazing. The guitars featured inside are works of art. The final printed book will be ready in November but we’ll be starting up a crowd funding campaign soon to help with printing. (This is a totally independent book… no publishers or sponsors.) I’ll keep you informed as things progress. Cheers – Tony

Are collectors selfish assh@les?

Guitar collecting (or hoarding) is common amongst us guitarnerds. But why do we do it?
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Mini Guitarnerd doco

My band mate Dan Baebler has made a mini guitarnerd doco about me some of my guitars. Enjoy!

Maton Wedgtail – part 2.


The neverending saga of being a guitarnerd.

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To All The Girls I’ve Loved Before… 3

An awesome guitar that became a casualty of my changing taste in music.

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Back soon. I promise!

Hi g’nerds. Sorry about not posting any guitarnerd articles lately… that trip to country Victoria gave me a flu that has absolutely knocked me on my ass. I’ll get some new stories up very soon. In the meanwhile, join the guitarnerd facebook group, as I’m always posting bits and pieces on there… (click here to join)

Talk to you soon! – Tony

Normal Transmission will resume shortly…

Hi everyone. Hope you had a great Christmas & New Years. I’ve been on holiday for a few weeks, chilling, watching Columbo on TV1, playing guitar and just when I was about to kick start guitarnerd for 2011, my home town of Brisbane got punished by some massive floods. It was a scary couple of days, but luckily my house was ok. A lot of damage was done to the surrounding areas and the city itself though. I’ll get stuck back into guitarnerd asap. Stay tuned.

Cheers – Tony

About guitarnerd.com.au


Hi, my name is Tony. I’m a graphic designer by trade and also play bass in Brisbane band Sixfthick and guitar in Horrortones & Battlecat… and I’m a guitarnerd.

guitarnerd.com.au is a site that delves into the nerdom of guitars and why people like us are obsessed with them. Every guitar has a story and with this blog I try to uncover them.

If you are someone who can’t walk past a pawn brokers without breaking into a cold sweat and looking inside just in case there’s a rare vintage guitar that the owner has seriously under priced, then this site is for you.

Feel free to contact me at [email protected] with stories of your own axes and I’ll try and include them here.

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