
Archived entries for

For sale – Jansen 12Sixty (sold)


This is a 1960’s Jansen 12Sixty… basically a ‘hand made in New Zealand’ 60’s Fender.

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For Sale – 1960’s Moody 2×12 (Sold)


I’m selling some stuff that I don’t use and I think would be happier being in the hands of players who will actually use them…

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Guitar Design 101 – Fender Stratocaster


Why I think the Stratocaster is one of the best designed guitars ever…

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Peter Mengede’s Honeyburst Les Paul


Last year I got the opportunity to jam with Peter Mengede from Helmet/Handsome, who now lives in Brisbane. While that was great, the best was seeing him play THE Les Paul that recorded all those great early Helmet riffs which I spent hours trying to master years ago. Here’s the story of that guitar from Peter himself…

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1982 USA Kramer Pacer


Fellow guitarnerds, I have a confession to make that will wipe away any remaining punk/garage rock cred that I ever had (if I had any, which I doubt)… that’s right… *takes breath* I love vintage super strats!!!

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About guitarnerd.com.au


Hi, my name is Tony. I’m a graphic designer by trade and also play bass in Brisbane band Sixfthick and guitar in Horrortones & Battlecat… and I’m a guitarnerd.

guitarnerd.com.au is a site that delves into the nerdom of guitars and why people like us are obsessed with them. Every guitar has a story and with this blog I try to uncover them.

If you are someone who can’t walk past a pawn brokers without breaking into a cold sweat and looking inside just in case there’s a rare vintage guitar that the owner has seriously under priced, then this site is for you.

Feel free to contact me at [email protected] with stories of your own axes and I’ll try and include them here.

2012 ‘Mongrel Country’ guitar


A new Aussie guitar maker from Perth (now Melbourne) who makes some awesome axes…

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You always remember your first…


Ladies & gents… let me introduce my #1.

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R.I.P. Dean Dirt


Australian music lost one of it’s best on the weekend. Dean Turner, bassist from Magic Dirt passed away after a long battle with cancer. Apart from being an amazing bass player, whose use of fuzz pedals & pure noise blew me away on the tour we did with them, Dean gave a lot back to the independant music community, which is a rarity in this day & age.


Mosrite and the Ramones.


A marriage made in heaven. Pt 1.
by Tim from Tym Guitars

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Spencer P. Jones & his white Strat


The coolest guitar-slinger in Australia.

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Ted McCarty. Genius or very talented genius?


by Tim from Tym Guitars

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Tym Guitars desktop pedals


Here’s some more guitarnerd desktop icons I’ve made up, this time starring some of the Tym Guitar’s pedals I did the art for. (including the yet to be released Tym Bass Face!)


Tym Guitar desktop icons – Mac
Tym Guitar desktop icons – PC

Maton… more than Mastersounds


Most kids today think Maton electrics just mean the new Mastersound, but they’ve been building some VERY cool guitars for over 50 years. Here’s a few of them.

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Rickenbacker… and why you should care


by Tim from Tym Guitars. Continue reading…

Operation: Maton Wedgtail


This neck will live again! Some way, some how…

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guitarnerd philosophy…

My girlfriend recently came up with how guitarnerds justify our need to buy every guitar we see and it hit pretty close to home.  I’m a little scared at how accurate it is. I think she can read minds… I’m wearing a tin foil hat around her for now on.

“I liken you guitarnerds need for guitars to the 5 stages of mourning

denial: I don’t really want it
: includes possibly trading in an old guitar which you never play.
: really wishing you’d never traded that old guitar which you never play because you really miss it now.
: Having hot new baby and bragging rights. “It’s like the best guitar I’ve played ever”

cycle starts again.”

guitarnerd pedal icons


A few people have asked where I got the pedal icons in the guitarnerd header… I made ’em of course! I did them for a bit of fun and then converted them into desktop icons. So now your computer hardrive can be a BigMuff/Hot Cake/Whatever the hell floats your boat. More coming soon. (when I get round to making them). Enjoy!

Download guitarnerd icons: Mac
Download guitarnerd icons: PC

Mac users will need Stuffit Expander to open the folder… download it here: http://www.stuffit.com/mac/expander/index.html

Superfuzzbigmudd is alive and kickin’


It’s here! (and it’s frikken’ awesome…)

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Nine to fiver… Social Climber… Oh Yeah !!!!


The story of The Scavengers and their candy apple red Mustang bass…

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