For Sale – 1960’s Moody 2×12 (Sold)


I’m selling some stuff that I don’t use and I think would be happier being in the hands of players who will actually use them…

Anyway, I bought this Moody bin in 1994 from a farm kid from Deniliquin who was selling his Dad’s old music gear to buy a black Ibanez RG550… I guess to play ‘Enter Sandman’ in his metal band. I actually bought 2 of them… plus a 1977 Ibanez Korina Iceman which I will NEVER sell… I bought it as I was sick of lugging my Marshall quadbox, and also that it had a Cadillac V on it.

I upgraded the speakers with Greenback Celestions… (the UK models, not the chinese ones) and have enjoyed this box for 15 years. It sounds better than any Marshall 2×12 I’ve heard. But now I feel like this really should be in the hands of a Moody collector as I’m honestly going to just keep lugging this beautiful vintage box to gigs and probably end up destroying it.

These things are pretty rare, and so probably shouldn’t be subjected to what I put it through.

Contact me at [email protected] if you’re interested before I change my mind.