Guitar parting…

Vintage guitar parts… we need ’em, but have you thought where they come from? That’s right… THEY COME FROM GUITARS!!!

A few months ago, I was doing what I usually do on a Sunday night… trawling eBay for guitars that I have no intention buying. One in particular caught my eye…  a rare Maton G250. This was Maton’s version of the Fender Telecaster, with some tasty changes to the body and the standard Fyrbyrd/Wedgtail headstock.

The starting price was over $1500, and the guitar passed in with no-one bidding on it. The day after, it popped up again for $1000 which made me stop for a second. That was a pretty good price… and it looked like a nice solid guitar.

I don’t think the bridge was the standard bridge, as the other Maton Tele’s I’ve seen had 3 saddle bridges. Apart from that she looked all original.

I really like the look of these guitars… the cut away on the top bout is subtle but a nice Maton touch to differentiate this guitar from a Fender Tele, and the use of the Maton knobs fitted well here. Plus the Maton trussrod cover… I love those things.

The back had a bit of wear, but nothing too bad. All in all, a great guitar which would make a Maton collector very happy, I thought.

The guitar sold for $1000 and that was that. Someone had bought a sweet piece of Australian guitar history. A few weeks after, I spotted this on eBay for $400…

I thought it was a bit of a weird coincidence that two natural finish Maton Tele’s were up on eBay so close to each other. Then I noticed the knot of wood figuring below the bridge and compared it to the guitar that sold a few weeks before…

With a little dismay, I realised it was the same guitar. Someone had bought it, taken off the neck & knobs, and sold the body for $400. The wear of the back confirmed my suspicions.

Now, this wasn’t my guitar, so the owner could do what the hell they wanted with it. They probably needed the neck & knobs to restore another Maton in their collection. I’m amazed they were willing to blow $600 on a neck and 2 knobs… I wonder what guitar they were fitted to? If you’re reading… please let us know. But, as I said, the parts are probably going to another donor Maton. Fair enough.

It just absolutely pains me to see a guitar that had lasted 35+ years disassembled forever. They only made 300 of these guitars, and now there is one less. You could buy a replacement Fender neck from All Parts USA and sure… this guitar would probably play and sound fantastic… but she won’t be an original Maton G250 ever again. She’ll be a parts guitar, worth half of what she used to be.

This got me thinking of all the vintage guitar parts I’ve bought over the years. They’ve obviously been taken off some beautiful instruments to be sold off. I don’t want to think about it too much. I could never do it myself… but other people have to, otherwise we’d be all fitting GFS pickups to our SG Juniors.